ABC Wolverhampton was our first purpose built centre.
In 2012 our centre on Wolverhampton Business Park opened its doors for the very first time. The building was carefully designed using the latest modern facilities including bespoke children’s toilets for each age group, a full kitchen where fresh meals are prepared daily and a separate milk kitchen for bottle preparation and storage.
It has nine carefully designed classrooms, each specifically designed for the age and development of the children utilising the facilities.
Our resources include tummy time mirrors, cosy areas, role play kitchens, ball pits, toddle boxes, ipads and so much more.
The outdoor spaces are also bespoke for each age group and every room has easy access to a soft surface outdoor area. The playgrounds are filled with everything children need to play and explore including large sandboxes, water play stations, spaces to read and draw, as well as a variety of bikes and trikes.
Beyond the soft surface area is a large, secure and privately maintained, grassed area surrounded by woodland. This area has been carefully designed to offer children the chance to explore nature and enjoy the freedom of a large, safe outdoor space. The area includes a large mud kitchen and a village area, complete with huts and a willow tunnel. We also have an outdoor class room offering our children another outdoor environment to enjoy whilst sheltered from the elements.
We also have a seperate allotment/growing area. The allotment has raised vegetable beds where our children help to grow fruit, herbs and seasonal vegetables.